Wednesday, October 11th 2023

8:45-17:30 - Milano Malpensa Center - Terminal 1 Arrivals

English - Italian simultaneous translation available!


Welcome and Introduction of the Academy Workshop from Selko Nutrition and EAAP

Chair: Luciano Pinotti





Coffee Break






Chair: Andrea Rosati





Coffee Break





Milano Malpensa Center Terminal 1 Arrivals

Reserved parking spaces are available on a first-come, first-served basis, upon registration. For further details on how to reach the location, please contact Katiuscia Genesin at +39 337 128 1609.

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José E.P. Santos is a Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at the University of Florida where he conducts research and extension in dairy cattle nutrition and reproduction. He earned his DVM degree from São Paulo State University in Brazil in 1992, completed the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in 1995 and 1997 at the University of Arizona, and a clinical residency in Dairy Production Medicine in 2000 in the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California Davis. Before joining the University of Florida, José spent 8 years as a faculty member in the Department of Population Health and Reproduction in the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of California Davis. Dr. Santos’ research seeks to develop technologies that enhance efficiency of dairy production, in particular improvements in peripartum health and reproduction that have long-lasting effects on lactation performance and survival in dairy cows. The research is highly integrative, combining components of basic cellular biology, whole animal physiology, and applied interventions that are adopted by dairy producers worldwide.

Since November 2001 he has been University Professor in Animal Nutrition and Food at the University of Milan, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Lodi University Campus. Author of over 400 scientific and popular publications, he studies the relationship between nutrition and livestock management and production efficiency, animal health and quality of livestock production. He collaborates with dairy and beef cattle breeding facilities, the processing industry and the distribution sector, both traditional and organised. With both his research and field activities, he contributes to the deepening of knowledge on topical issues such as economic, environmental and social sustainability and animal welfare.

Terry Engle is a Professor in the Department of Animal Sciences at Colorado State University. He earned his BS and MS degree in Animal Science from the Colorado State University in 1993 and 1996, respectively, and in 1999, Terry completed his PhD at the North Carolina State University. Terry’s teaching responsibilities include Vitamin and Mineral Metabolism and Animal Metabolism. Terry’s research interests include trace mineral metabolism in ruminants with primary emphasis on the role of trace minerals and other nutrients on immune response, disease resistance, and lipid metabolism. Further research interests include molecular aspects of mineral absorption in ruminants.


Antonio Gallo graduated at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC), receiving his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Animal Science. From 2021, he is Full Professor in Animal Nutrition and Feeding at UCSC. His appointment consists of teaching animal nutrition courses and conducting research on dairy cattle nutrition and feed evaluation. Research includes characterization of forages and fibrous co-products for chemical-biological, fermentative and safety aspects, improve feed economic efficiency and nutrient utilization both at dairy or farm levels, modelling dynamic digestion process and improve the feeding storage practices in dairy production systems. From 2019, he has been included in the World’s Top 2% Scientists list of Stanford University (sub-field: Dairy & Animal Science).

Luciano Pinotti

Prof Luciano Pinotti, President of the nutrition commission of EAAP, is Full Professor in animal nutrition at the University of Milan. He conducts research mainly in Feed quality and safety/ feed evaluation with emphasis on alternative feed ingredients like former food/ex-food, insect meals (field sustainable animal nutrition). He is coordinator or partner in several national project and is involved in two international projects and two European ones. 

Andrea Rosati 

Andrea Rosati holds degrees in Animal Sciences, Animal Genetics (M.Sc.), and Biometrics and Animal Genetics (Ph.D.) from the University of Perugia (Italy) and the University of Nebraska – Lincoln (USA). He worked at the Italian Association of Animal Breeders (AIA) from 1993 to 2001, rising to the position of national technical manager. Andrea served as the Director-General of the Italian Laboratory of Animal Genetics and later became the Secretary-General of the European Federation of Animal Science (EAAP) and the World Association for Animal Production (WAAP). He also headed the International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR), which establishes global standards for animal identification, performance recording and genetic evaluation. Andrea coordinated several EU-supported research projects, delivered lectures in over 40 countries on animal production and sustainability, and is an author and co-founder of animal science journals. He currently leads a team focusing on organizing scientific conferences, webinars, workshops, and international research projects related to animal science.

From SS 336, take the TERMINAL 1 exit and follow the lane for ARRIVALS.
The parking area is under the bridge, and the entrance barrier is located before the airport terminal on the right.